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Our Mission - Operational Excellence

We drafted ConMoto’s initial mission statement in 1993. It is a living document: we have continuously updated and amended it – most recently in 2019. From the very beginning, ConMoto has been committed to providing the highest possible benefit to our clients. Other founding principles are independence, ethical integrity, and assuming responsibility for implementing our recommendations.


Our clients are at the focus of our work. Each ConMoto service aims to deliver the best possible results to the client. Our goal is long-term cooperation based on trust. Working with our clients is a personal commitment for each of us. 



High-performing, motivated employees with strong personalities form the basis of our successes. ConMoto’s teamwork is characterized by collegiality, integrity, mutual respect, and reliability. These efforts are rewarded with secure jobs and performance-based pay. ConMoto is a signatory of the diversity charter “Charta der Vielfalt”. Its values are fully incorporated into our mission statement – we act from conviction.

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