Apr 15, 2020

ConMoto’s virtual anniversary

ConMoto’s signature gray overalls at your aid! (article in FOCUS magazine, 43/1993)

On April 1st, 1990 Dr.-Ing. Ralf Feierabend founded ConMoto. Even though celebrating together is not easy in times of social distancing, we at ConMoto did exactly this: within the scope of a team meeting with 90 participants in twelve countries including from Asia as well as the Americas, we held our virtual anniversary party.

We shared memories from 30 years of company history: pictures, stories and talks. All ConMotos embraced the welcome pastime during a time that has all of us working in separated locations. Still, we do work as a team and continue to provide our services to our clients with all reasonable care.

Difficult times demand adequate solutions. And just as we were successful throughout three decades, we are going to master the crisis as well: together. First and foremost, we wish you good health – and positive moments for your company, too.